Living Future 2024 Conference: Compelling Keynote Speakers, Updated Standards, and a New Book

The International Living Future’s annual conference meets in the Southeast for the first time, celebrating the Living Future community, the newest version of the Just program, and a book about the Stanley Center for Peace and Security. April 24, 2024, Atlanta, GA – From May 7 through 9, the International Living Future Institute will host […]

Update about Microsoft Outlook

We recently learned that emails containing our URL are currently blocked for a subset of Microsoft Outlook users. Our team is actively working with Microsoft to resolve this issue. We assure you that there are no security risks associated with our site or data. To prevent potential issues with your emails being received by third […]

The Building Industry’s Long-Awaited Signal

LEADING SUSTAINABILITY ORGANIZATIONS UNITE: AIA, ILFI, IWBI, USGBC, AND MM ALIGN AROUND COMMON MATERIALS FRAMEWORK In an unprecedented collaboration of leading organizations dedicated to sustainable building practices and impact reduction in the built environment, the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the International Living Future Institute (ILFI), the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), the U.S. Green […]


BUILDINGS ARE BEACONS FOR CHANGE IN THEIR COMMUNITIES WASHINGTON, D.C.—Buildings are beacons for change in their communities, according to the main message from Living Future 2023 held on May 3-5. Convened by the International Living Future Institute, the annual event gathered the regenerative building movement to chart a path forward for the real estate sector. […]